
Dre Sandrine Mariaux

Orthopedic surgeon

She completed her FMH (Swiss Medical Association) training in orthopedic surgery in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (CHUV, Riviera-Chablais Hospital, La Providence, and Pourtalès Hospital in Neuchatel). She specialized in shoulder and elbow surgery, further refining her skills through fellowships with Dr. Godenèche in Lyon and Drs. Lafosse in Annecy.

Dr Paolo Fornaciari

Orthopedic surgeon

He completed his FMH (Swiss Medical Association) training in orthopedic surgery in Switzerland (Cantonal Hospital of Fribourg and University Hospital Balgrist in Zurich). He specialized in shoulder and elbow surgery and strengthened his skills through fellowships in South Africa with Drs. De Beer and Du Plessis. Additionally, he served as the deputy chief of shoulder and elbow surgery at the Neuchâtel Hospital Network.

Areas of expertise


Fractures of the upper limb

Tendon ruptures & tendinopathies

Rotator Cuff Tendon Ruptures
Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture
Pectoralis Major Tendon Rupture
Triceps Tendon Rupture


Shoulder Osteoarthritis
Elbow Osteoarthritis


Acromioclavicular and
Glenohumeral Instability